I'm in love with Mary Jane she's my main thing ..She makes me feel alright, she makes my heart sing…
Medical Marijuana is known to have benefits for several medical conditions such as Anxiety, Sclerosis, Cancer, Chronic Pain and PTSD. Some of the studied benefits are pain relief, improved sleep, improved appetite, reduced nausea & vomiting, and improved quality of life.
Who’s eligible for a Medical Marijuana Card ?
If you have one or more of the following conditions…
· Anxiety
· Crohn’s Disease
· Sickle Cell Anemia
· Chronic Pain
How do I get one?
· Have a certified Doctor certify you
· Pay 50.00 (depending on your income)
Any questions feel free to reach out to Sarah, The Senior Specialist 267-582-0110
For more information check out this info Getting Medical Marijuana | PA.GOV